UCH GCH CHEROKEE POINT'S TURBULL CHARGED CD CGCA: This 8 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier, "TURBULL", well on his way to his Bronze Grand Championship is shown here winning BEST IN SHOW VETERAN (BISV) in AKC's Davenport, IA show, piloted by owner/exhibitor Sarah Kittner for owners, Sarah and Jeff Kittner and Kim Witt.

CH WYNDTREE JUST "JOSHUA" AT BIRCH HILL CGC: After winning Best Puppy in Specialty, Pembroke Welsh Corgi "JOSHUA" quickly finished his championship and is on his way towards his Grand Championship garnering this Best of Breed win at the recent Scott County Kennel Club. This young beauty is owned by Sarah Kittner, Teresa Mulhausen and Pati Weidel.

BISS GCH GINGERBLU UHH UHH OHH KEEPN A SECRET CGC: Group Two Wheaton Kennel Club, June 2018 Judge : Dr. Valeria Rickard Owned by Jeff and Sarah Kittner's Group Placing dynamic American Staffordshire Terrier and is co-owned with Charlie and Sandra Zimmerman. "BRYZZO" has received multiple outstanding placements in big specialties, qualifying her in the TOP 20 in her breed!

GCH Valdon's Glory Bound Junior Handler - Jacob Waters Jacob is 10 yrs old handling his miniature pinscher. Winning Best Junior from the Open Junior Class at the recent Springfield, IL cluster. Glory is co-owned with instructor Joan Krumm & Jacob brought Glory to her Grand Championship all by himself. We are very proud of this and all our junior showmanship teams!

GCH VALDON'S GLORY BOUND Very talented junior handler, Jacob Waters, 10 is shown here placing with a GROUP 3 at the September 2014 Rockford-Freeport Illinois Kennel Club show in the toy group. Jacob single handenly put a Grand Champion title on his GCH VALDON'S GLORY BOUND and is shown with brother Luke, 8 who is eagerly awaiting his entrance in the junior showmanship division. Look for these two talented handlers in the winners ring ofte

CH. VALDON'S MANHATTAN MOZZIE Hailee Wilson has finished her first AKC Champion, co-owned with Joan Krumm. Hailee purchased her first puppy in 2012 and has taken her Valdon's King Bowser to many junior handler wins. Her recent win of the highly competitive and large intermediate class at the Eukanuba National show in Florida has moved her in to National competition. With her hard work ethic and willingness to learn about showing all breeds and working hard at grooming, she is much in demand for many handlers who can count on her to help present their dogs at shows. Hailee is now the proud owner of a malamute puppy who she will begin showing this spring. Watch for this talented young lady in many rings at shows in 2015!

GCH ALJAMER ACCENTUATE THE POSITIVE Talented junior handler, Micah Waters has been topping the Best Junior Showmanship classes all over the Midwest and out east. Recently he was awarded 4th place Junior Showmanship at the 2015 Westminster Kennel Club Show in New York. There were 96 junior participants in the competition of the top juniors in the country and Micah obtained a $3000 scholarship for his outstanding placement. Micah co-owns with breeder, Marilyn Laschinski. We are very proud of Micah who has begun handling and grooming for many area dog show owners.

LOVER BOY BEST IN SHOW Sheboygen Kennel Club Show 2016 This 2 year old Brussels Griffon won his first BEST IN SHOW at the Sheboygen Kennel Club Show under top respected judge, Dawn Vick Hansen, handled by Nick Waters. J-B had four back to back group ones leading up to this very coveted title. He is owned by Dallas and Virginia Givens of Scioto Mills, IL and co-owner Jay B Schultz. J-B is rated as the #6 griffon Nationally! We look forward to many more successes with this talented team.

VALDON'S LIVE ON BROADWAY AT FOXSHIRE: Bred by Joan Krumm & Sarah Kittner Owned by Sarah & Jeff Kittner Pictured going WB at her 1st show for a 3 Point Major! The following day was WB/BOW/BOB over 6 specials for a 5 Point Major!!! KC of Yorkville WB both days "Moiselle" has 12 points and both Majors in 4 shows all from the Bred By Exhibitor Class. Congratulations Sarah, Jeff and Joan!

UKCMBIS UACH RAININ MISCHIEF Rainin is a THREE time BEST IN SHOW winner for her talented owner/handler/trainer, Chris Bowers. This beautiful multi-titled rescue dog is topping the UKC shows in the altered division. Many people do not know their pure bred neutered or spayed dog can compete for championships in UKC and Chris with "Rainin" are having an outstanding time in their new endeavor. We are proud of Chris Bowers and her UACH RAININ MISCHIEF!

Valdon's He's Puttin On The Ritz Conformation instructors Joan Krumm and Sarah Kittner showed Valdon's He's Puttin On The Ritz who took a Best of Breed under judge Troy Dargin at the recent Rockford-Freeport Illinois Kennel Club show in October. Conformation run thrus and classes are at Forest City Dog Training Club on Thursday evenings at 7:00.

AN EXHIBITOR'S DREAM!! CH. WYNDTREE WALKING ON SUNSHINE AT BIRCH HALL Pati Wiedel sees her corgi, LIBBY being awarded a Major, Winners and with it her new championship under respected Judge, Anna Katona at the recent Greater Muskegan KC show. LIBBY, co-owned with Teresa Mulhausen, was also awarded Best Owner Handler in Breed.

BISS GCHB CH GINGERBLU UH UH OH KEEPIN A SECRET BCAT, CGCA, RATO "BRYZZO": Bryzzo finishes her championship at 8 months of age with 2 5pt and 2 4 pt majors in 2 weekends out. All from the Bred By Exhibitor class. She was WB at the Staffordshire Terrier Club of America Regional Specialty in Louisville and also won Best in Sweepstakes and a Best of Opposite in Sweeps. Bryzzo is owned by Sarah & Jeff Kittner and co-owned and bred by with Sandra and Charlie Zimmerman.

CONGRATULATIONS JACOB!! Jacob Waters, age 13, not only won Best Junior Handler at a show in Canfield, Ohio recently, but he also won Best Junior Handler in Canfield's Cluster (a collection of several days of shows) with his little pal, 'Jalu's The Joke's On Me' aka April. They also took home a collection of dog showing gear, a $1000 scholarship and both majors on April. Jacob has been under guidance of FCDTC conformation instructors for several years.