Scent Work Class Beginners 1 - 6:00 pm Thurs
During this course you will learn how to get your dog started in the sport of Nose Work/Scent Work, Find out want motivates your dog, and get him or her excited to use their natural hunting instincts to find hidden odors.
WAIVER: As you register for this event, you hereby release and forever discharge Forest City Dog Training Club, Inc., it's owners, members, officers, employees, agents, heirs and assigns, from any and all actions, rights, causes of actions, claims and demands for or upon which have been, or which thereafter may be sustained by you and your dog(s), as a result of said dog and owner participating in activities at the Club building or at activities conducted by the said club for this year. Also you should understand that during the said activities both dog and owner may engage in events which may result in injury to the dog or owner. This release extends and applies to and also covers and includes, all unknown, unforeseen, unanticipated, and unsuspected injuries, damages, losses and liabilities, and the consequences thereof, as well as those now disclosed and known to exist. The provision of any state, federal, or local laws or statue or providing in substance that releases shall not extend to claims, demands, injuries or damages which are unknown or unsuspected to exist at the time, the undersigned, are hereby expressly waived. The undersigned has carefully read the foregoing and knows the contents thereof and signs this release of their own free act and deed. I hereby agree to abide by the published rules of Forest City Dog Training Club, Inc. and do not hold them responsible should you contact the COVID-19 virus. You also understand you are responsible for all actions; yours and your dog(s).There are no refunds for this event, however, if you cannot attend after registering for class, please email a note to the Board of Directors at [email protected] and we will review your request. Photos taken during classes may be used for club promotion. Children will not be used without permission.